Be Your best friend... Please!

Do you have a best friend? Does your best friend care for you? Do you listen to your best friend's advice? Do you trust your best friend? Do you love your best friend? Do you encourage your best friend? Do you believe that your best friend chooses best for you? If the answer to all of these questions is YES, then for a minute, let's replace the best friend with YOU, yes YOU. Now answer these questions. Are you a best friend to Yourself? Do you take care for yourself? Do you listen to your own voice? Do you trust yourself? Do you love yourself? Do you encourage yourself? Do you believe that you choose the best for yourself? I realised over the years that many of us are extremely good friends, advisors, supporters, lovers, believers, caretakers to others but when it comes to our own self like our own challenges, doubts, beliefs and achieving dreams - we get lost, not knowing how to come out. That is why, after so many years and experiences, I realised it is vital to be your ow...