Your CREDIT still due?

Do you have an unpaid credit? Think again. Don't worry, I'm not referring to your credit card payment due or any other bill for that matter. However I am trying to raise an issue, a crime, an unethical practice which happens a lot, with all of us but always gets covered up, ignored or left out so easily as if it never happened or it didn't matter. People don't even talk about it. I wonder why it even happens. We know it's true and it's wrong, you do it or don't do it, someone else does it or doesn't do it, you are the victim or not but it's there, in the air. My head really bangs trying to understand how and why this practice is silently accepted as if it's normal or okay or kind of a "ritual". The cause of these actions can be simply identified as to be in the spotlight, show power, showcase intelligence, beat the competition, claim that reward in the eyes of superiors, but it definitely raise questions on the ethics & culture. ...