Labeled? We're abled!

We all have been labelled in some way at some point of time in life. Did you like it? Of course not. Same pinch 😉

A lot of times, people label us, tag us and put us in tiny boxes of their heads.

Throughout our lives, people attach labels to us, and those labels reflect and affect how others think about our identities as well as how we think about ourselves.

While I agree that no one has the right to label someone unnecessarily, but practically it's impossible to stop anyone from doing it.

You may answer back or confront these people, groups, make them realize their mistake, but it doesn't guarantee that it won't happen again, not on your face at least.

Labels are not always negative; they can reflect positive characteristics, set useful expectations, and provide meaningful goals in our lives.

Let's get into depth of these, there are all kinds of labels like he's “arrogant”, she's too “bossy”, how “shameless” they are, etc.

Try to find the reason behind these labels and tags than just being upset about it, and understand that this is all about choice of words by different people.

I'm sure you'll agree that most of the people who get labeled are the ones doing something different or are strong in someway or living their life how they want ignoring the tantrums of society and spectators. So we're labeled when we're abled.

Let's brush up our vocabulary for few of these labels; hope you enjoy reading these.

Arrogant : Knowing his/ her importance
Bossy : Has leadership qualities
Aggressive : Knows how to get it done
Adamant : Refuses to change mind basis people's opinions, a strong decision maker
Boring : Doesn't share interesting stories of their life or take interest gossips
Aloof/ Not friendly : Ensure not everyone has access to their life
Assertive : Able to get their point across & take no bullshit
Rude/ Blunt : Ability to speak out loud what others hide or sugarcoat
Difficult : Ability to save self from manipulation or exploitation

Careless : Ability to prioritize things as they feel right, not basis what is told
Awkward : Ability to choose own choice & taste
Shameless : Living life on their own terms

Relatable? So next time when you're labelled, tagged or hashtagged 😉... remember that only the abled ones get labeled..

Be proud of the choices you make!


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