Don't just Spend... INVEST in Yourself !

Disclaimer : This write-up is not about money spending habits & investments.

It's about YOU!

It's no surprise that we all relate the words like "spend" and "invest" with money. It's usual to think like that so do not worry, this is not another investment scheme presented to you but let's take our time to talk about you today.

Let's start with couple of questions. Do you have assets? Do you invest? Have you ever counted the assets you have?

If you haven't done this lately, let's do it now. First, just think about the top 5 of your assets that you own. Then arrange your list from high to low basis the ones with highest rate of returns.

If you're thinking, I have nothing, I don't own any assets as I'm not working, I'm dependent on someone or I'm in debt and so on. Then let me tell you that you can be anyone, doing anything from being a corporate employee to a government official, delivery boy or driver, banker or baker, mother or wife, single or student. 

Most of your list would be consist of jewelry, house, property, savings, cars etc.

You seem to have missed one and most important asset, that's "you" yourself.

Trust me this is the biggest blessing of all & no other asset can provide a higher return than your own self. 

"Don't just spend to spend, invest to invest but analyze & choose how does it work for your best."

I understand the pleasure of spending money on desires, things we love & enjoy that make us feel happy. Like for me it was mostly clothes, coffee, hanging out with friends, trying new cafes and restaurants, travelling every week. And there's nothing wrong about it, if it makes you happy, its worth it.

However how many of these things you've spent on, actually add value to your life, help you to become better version of yourself.

The one thing that would be worth investing in, is YOU. You are the source of power and will for anything you desire.

Therefore spend your time & money wisely, considering yourself of highest value.
Here is a quick checklist to consider as an investment, for your higher good.

1. Good books, good books & good books.
Trust me, it's wise to learn from others wisdom.

2. Add knowledge to cart.
Use your internet wisely & be selective of your interest. Pick things you're interested in, it can be dance, art, fashion, fitness or economics (Incase you're like me).

3. Upskill Yourself.
Make the most of this transition of online education & short term courses, keep adding to your skills. You're most confident when you're able to do things on your own.

4. Upgrade yourself, live better.
No I don't mean to buy latest gadgets but design a better life. Improvise Yourself. Spend time and money on things that add value to your life. 

5. Spend "time" with people, your friends, family, collegues - be genuine & connect with all ages & races. This way, you would not only build your network but a support system.

6. Be your own critic & make time to analyze your interests and progress for healthy growth. It can be any area you want to focus on. Ask yourself "Are you better than yesterday?"

7. Spend money on what you need and not what you want, for real.
It makes a huge difference - less clutter, useful & valuable purchase and save that dime.
Yes I'm a girl and I'm saying this - don't be a collector & keep saving things for "someday", you can thank me later.

8. Save to invest. Yes I mean it.
Remember some days when you needed money for something and didn't had enough, had to ask your parents or wait for the salary or borrow from a friend. Next time, be sure you have it for your own good.

For example, I usually keep a target of certain amount then save it, and invest 50% of it. No, you don't have to follow this, feel free to make your own rules.

9. Travel, one of the best way to learn & explore.
Out of all the things I do in life, I cherish this the most. I've been to many states & few countries since childhood, and I feel alive, a new ME is born everytime I'm leaving home to a new place. This has made me independent, accommodating, alert, street smart, better at budget management and what not, I've flown to countries solo. It's a complete package, in fact, my best of relationships have taken birth because of my travels. I can keep going, but I know you got it. So don't miss to pack your bag at next opportunity to travel.

10. EAT THAT CAKE, but choose Health.
You heard me right, if a piece of chocolate or cake makes you feel happier & better. Do it. That's a treat to your mental health.
Healthy life is really an asset, if you don't believe this, think of the times you were unwell, drained, exhausted and dependent on others - did you smile? No, right. So choose your happiness, through a good health. Take a walk, join yoga classes, run if you like but do choose an activity to keep you healthy & active. This body is no less than an asset for you since you've only ONE for life so why not make it better. 

Don't wait, start investing in yourself today.
Don't aim to be perfect, but improvise.
Choose your happiness in all areas - mental, physical, social, financial & spiritual. Be YOU.


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