
Showing posts from 2021

Your CREDIT still due?

Do you have an unpaid credit? Think again. Don't worry, I'm not referring to your credit card payment due or any other bill for that matter. However I am trying to raise an issue, a crime, an unethical practice which happens a lot, with all of us but always gets covered up, ignored or left out so easily as if it never happened or it didn't matter. People don't even talk about it. I wonder why it even happens. We  know it's true and it's wrong, you do it or don't do it, someone else does it or doesn't do it, you are the victim or not but it's there, in the air. My head really bangs trying to understand how and why this practice is silently accepted as if it's normal or okay or kind of a "ritual".  The cause of these actions can be simply identified as to be in the spotlight, show power, showcase intelligence, beat the competition, claim that reward in the eyes of superiors, but it definitely raise questions on the ethics & culture.  ...

The damage by "SORRY"

Did the title shock you? Maybe a little. You must be thinking, how can a sorry do any damage? The word is usually used to apologize. Afterall, it's the simplest and easiest band-aid used by people for anything and everything they do everyday. "Sorry" is kind of best available and affordable glue used to fix broken things, just like fevi-quick. (No, I'm not promoting the product) I do understand that we are all human beings, and we would definitely make mistakes and hence we should be open and receptive to apologies and apologize wherever required. And saying sorry is the best way, but is it really? As per the definition, the word sorry has two meanings:- 1. Feeling regret or penitence 2. Feeling sad or distressed through sympathy with someone else's misfortune, used to express compassion And I am going to refer and focus on the first meaning in this blog and that's way more important. I remember my days from the Aviation & Hospitality management, where our...

You think Vocalism is difficult? Try Silence.

Let's start with, what is "Vocalism"? As  per the dictionary:- vocalism/ˈvəʊk(ə)lɪz(ə)m/noun T he use of the voice or vocal organs in speech. It seems simple and easy for many of us, like why even talk about it... Isn't it something any person does since birth, even if it's for just crying. Y ou are right. However, as we grow up, from an infant to child, then land into teenage and finally adulthood knocks the door, we learn or at least try to manage our conversations.  The ability & power of any human being, to speak is conditioned, modulated, influenced and controlled over all these years. Therefore we suppress ourselves in many situations.  Now many of the people say silence is golden, or it's better to ignore certain talks, any conflicts because they've been taught to do so. I'm sure whoever taught them this wished well, so no offence.  However, have you ever came across the moments when you felt like - I wish I spoke up, I should have raised m...

MIND IT... A Guide to Basics!

I really had to gather all my courage and confidence to write this, and a little more to share this with you. The world we live in is beautiful and wonderful, all because of the people we're living with. We share our lives with so many people directly or indirectly on daily basis, and we impact the surrounding lives too.  Over the years, I realized that a lot of things or events happen around us which are uncomfortable and disturbing to our minds, and yet we tend to live with it. This happens in all areas like personal, professional and social life, but we either ignore it or move on with it despite the feeling of unsettled. If you are an over or deep-thinker like me, then you might understand the feeling & thoughts we go through when someone behaves differently with us. These behaviour can be manipulation, selfishness, suppression etc. I don't know much of heavy words but I also go through this as a human being, a normal one like you. Someway or the other, we all are benef...

Don't just Spend... INVEST in Yourself !

Disclaimer : This write-up is not about money spending habits & investments. It's about YOU! It's no surprise that we all relate the words like "spend" and "invest" with money. I t's usual to think like that so do not worry, this is not another investment scheme presented to you but let's take our time to talk about you today. Let's start with couple of questions.  Do you have assets?  Do you invest?  H ave you ever counted the assets you have? If you haven't done this lately, let's do it now.  First, just think about the top 5 of your assets that you own.  Then arrange your list from high to low basis the ones with highest rate of returns. If you're thinking, I have nothing, I don't own any assets as I'm not working, I'm dependent on someone or I'm in debt and so on. Th en let me tell you that you can be anyone, doing anything from being  a corporate employee to a government official, delivery boy or driver, banke...

Labeled? We're abled!

We all have been labelled in some way at some point of time in life. Did you like it? Of course not. Same pinch 😉 A lot of times, people label us, tag us and put us in tiny boxes of their heads. Throughout our lives, people attach labels to us, and those labels reflect and affect how others think about our identities as well as how we think about ourselves. While I agree that no one has the right to label someone unnecessarily, but practically it's impossible to stop anyone from doing it. You may answer back or confront these people, groups, make them realize their mistake, but it doesn't guarantee that it won't happen again, not on your face at least. Labels are not always negative; they can reflect positive characteristics, set useful expectations, and provide meaningful goals in our lives. Let's get into depth of these, there are all kinds of labels like he's “arrogant”, she's too “bossy”, how “shameless” they are, etc. Try to find the reason behind these la...

Be Your best friend... Please!

Do you have a best friend? Does your best friend care for you? Do you listen to your best friend's advice? Do you trust your best friend? Do you love your best friend? Do you encourage your best friend? Do you believe that your best friend chooses best for you? If the answer to all of these questions is YES, then for a minute, let's replace the best friend with YOU, yes YOU. Now  answer these questions. Are you a best friend to Yourself?  Do you take care for yourself? Do you listen to your own voice? Do you trust yourself? Do you love yourself? Do you encourage yourself? Do you believe that you choose the best for yourself? I realised over the years that many of us are extremely good friends, advisors, supporters, lovers, believers, caretakers to others but when it comes to our own self like our own challenges, doubts, beliefs and achieving dreams - we get lost, not knowing how to come out. That is why, after so many years and experiences, I realised it is vital to be your ow...

Judging Women? No thanks!

Being judged?😒 Did I hit your wounded spot? Take few minutes to watch this video, I promise you're in for a surprise. Hope you were able to relate like I did. Aren't we, women judged for our abilities, capabilities, choices, intelligence & ambitions. We go through this every single day unless God is really kind and bless us with extra love someday! No matter how many times women have proved themselves in almost every area of work, even in male dominant sectors, reached the heights of establishments in various forums, be it corporate, business, politics, agriculture, hospitality, e-commerce and many more, yet women as leaders, engineers, finance smart, athletes - the fact is that is not easily digested. Let me share couple of my own experiences, happened some time ago. I found my old pictures from 2006 & 2008 around three months back. In first picture, I was awarded by Kiran Bedi & Kiran Khair for "Excellence in Academics", in AHA Delhi, and other one was ...

Intent is bigger than Power

I witnessed a beautiful lesson sometime back.. I always believe that "nature teaches us relevant things at right time, in its own special ways." A hawk such a big & strong bird was stuck at the top of a tree, it was just hanging with one wing tangled and other wing towards the ground. A lot of crows started making noise on same tree, we couldn't figure out what was really happening. Was the hawk dead? Were crows torturing it? Why was it hanging like this? Then we realised the hawk was tangled because of Manjha (abrasive string), it's one wing was stuck and it couldn't do much, agonizing in pain. There was another hawk sitting on same tree but didn't move even a bit.. however the crows, they all came together, nearer to the hawk, honestly we were scared as we didn't know what were they doing... one of the crows came to the same branch where the hawk was tangled and hanging, it removed the string and saved the hawk.. wow..❤️ The hawk took the best of its...

Are you successful? Think again!

This question is quite common in our heads & surroundings. Isn't it? When you read the title, you must have answered as yes or no or maybe. If I be honest, only 2-5% of people reading this would have answered yes within their hearts. I would be glad to know if the percentage is higher than I expected, but let's be honest and that most of you would have answered "no" or "maybe" and some of you may have started counting your achievements so far, only to evaluate whether you are successful or not. I am no different, the word "success" was all about materialistic achievements, because we all have seen the same thing around, taught or made to believe things like higher education degrees, secure and good paying job, high package, branded clothes and shoes, German cars, travelling abroad, casual dining out, owning business, expansions, bank balance, investments and many more as achievements or rather "Success". I believe you relate with this...